Bibliographie zur antiken Sklaverei Online (BASO)

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Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei

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Milani, P.A.: La schiavitù nel pensiero politico. Dai greci al basso medio evo. Mailand 1972, 402 S.




Modrzejewski, J.: "Aut nascuntur aut fiunt": les schémas antiques des sources de l'esclavage. In: BIDR 79 (1976) 1-25.


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Modrzejewski, J.: Aut nascuntur, aut fiunt: les schémas des sources de l'esclavage dans la théorie grecque et dans le droit romain. In: Actes du colloque 1973 sur l'esclavage. Paris 1976 (ALUB 182. CRHA 18) 351-377.


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Monoson, S.S.: Navigating Race, Class, Polis and Empire: The Place of Empirical Analysis in Aristotle's Account of Natural Slavery. In: R. Alston, E. Hall, L. Proffitt (Edd.): Reading Ancient Slavery. London 2011, 133-151.


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Montepaone, C.: Le donne serve nella precettistica pitagorica: la lettera di Teano a Callisto, giovane sposa. In: F. Reduzzi Merola, A. Storchi Marino (Edd.): Femmes - esclaves. Modèles d'interprétation anthropologique, économique, juridique. Atti del XXI Colloquio internazionale GIREA Lacco Ameno-Ischia, 27-29 ottobre 1994. Neapel 1999 (Diáphora 9) 237-249.


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Montgomery, H.C.: The Development of Humanitarianism in Roman Law. In: Classical Studies in Honor of William Abbott Oldfather. Urbana/Ill. 1943, 104-121.




Morabito, M.: Ricerche sulla schiavitù attraverso il discorso dei giuristi nel Digesto. In: Index 8 (1978/79) 280-288. Bemerkung: = Ceti dipendenti e schiavitù nel mondo antico. Neapel 1979.




Moreau, J.: Epictète ou le secret de la liberté. Paris 1964 (Philosophes de tous les temps 11), 192 S.


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Moriarty, R.: Human Owners, Human Slaves: Gregory of Nyssa, Hom. Eccl. 4. In: E.A. Livingstone (Ed.): Studia Patristica. Bd.27: Papers Presented at the Eleventh International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1991: Cappadocian Fathers, Greek Authors after Nicaea, Augustine, Donatism and Pelagianism. Leuven 1993, 62-69.




Moritz, H.E.: Slavery in Greek Tragedy in Light of Aristotle: Is Slavery Ever Natural? In: T&P 19 (1998) 91-101.


Stand: 28. Juni 2013