In the Humanities and Social Sciences Class, long-term projects are supervised. The main focus is on the publication of scientific dictionaries, editions of sources and inscriptions, and much more. Electronic media are becoming increasingly important for the implementation of the projects and the publication of the results.

Represented by the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz, the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities is currently coordinating 19 long-term musicological edition and documentation projects within the framework of joint funding by the federal and state governments.

In addition to the projects of the Academy Programme, various other research projects have been and are being carried out at the academy. These include interdisciplinary projects and joint projects implemented with other institutions.
Information on the Academy Programme
The Academy Programme is the largest long-term research program in the Federal Republic of Germany for basic research in the humanities and social sciences.
Further information can be found on the website of the Academies' Union.
Informationen for applicants
Call for proposals for the Research Programme of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities (Academy Programme) for 2024
All ongoing and completed projects at a glance
Overview of the Academy's ongoing and completed research projects.
Akademie-Policy on open research data.