NUMIDAT - elektronische Datenbank


Apart from publishing finds of ancient coins from Germany in the series "Fundmünzen der römischen Zeit in Deutschland (FMRD)", the project Fundmünzen der Antike (FdA) also holds a substantial digital library of records of coin finds in its computer database, NUMIDAT.

At present NUMIDAT contains nearly 90,000 records, including data on some 60,000 coins from the city of Rome (sotto suolo urbano) held in the Museo Nazionale delle Terme and the Museo Capitolino.

Until 2002 records were stored on NUMIZ, the database of the Coin Cabinet of the National Museum of Slovenia. Since then the project has developed its own, tailor-made application using FileMaker Pro®.

An online version, NUMIDAT-WEB, is now online and in the evaluation stage.

While NUMIDAT-WEB is not intended to replace the analogue publication of the main volumes of the FMRD-series, it is envisaged that NUMIDAT-WEB will replace future supplemenatry volumes.