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Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei

© Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz

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Ihre Suche lieferte in unserem Datenbestand folgende 164 Treffer

Beitrag zu Sammlung


Cohen, E.E.: Written Contracts of Prostitution in Fourth-Century Athens. In: Timai Ioannou Triantaphyllopoulou. Athen 2000, 109-122.


Beitrag zu Sammlung


Cohen, E.E.: Athenian Prostitution as a Liberal Profession. In: G.W. Bakewell, J.P. Sickinger (Edd.): Gestures. Essays in Ancient History, Literature, and Philosophy presented to Alan L. Boegehold. On the Occasion of his Retirement and his Seventy-Fifth Birthday. Oxford 2003, 214-236.


Beitrag zu Sammlung


Cohen, E.E.: Free and Unfree Sexual Work: An Economic Analysis of Athenian Prostitution. In: Ch.A. Faraone, L.K. McClure (Edd.): Prostitutes and Courtesans in the Ancient World. Madison 2006, 95-124.


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Cohen, E.E.: Wealthy Slaves and Elite Prostitutes: A Study of Juridical, Sexual, and Economic Power at Athens. In: A. L. Pierris (Ed.): Physis and Nomos. Power, Justice and the Agonistical Ideal of Life in High Classicism. Proceedings of the Symposium Philosophiae Antiquae Quartum Atheniense July 4th - July 12th, 2004. Bd.1: Papers. Patras 2007 (Institute for Philosophical Research Conference Series 4) 45-88.




Colubi Falcó, J.M.: Condición social y jurídica de la puella gaditana. In: Habis 30 (1999) 307-314.


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Corner, S.: Bringing the Outside In. The Andrōn as Brothel and the Symposium's Civic Sexuality. In: A. Glazebrook, M.M. Henry (Edd.): Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean, 800 BCE-200 CE. Madison 2011, 60-85.




Cuvigny, H.: Femmes tournantes. Remarques sur la prostitution dans les garnisons romaines du désert de Bérénice. In: ZPE 172 (2010) 159-166.


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Dauphin, Cl.: Bordels et filles de joie: La Prostitution en Palestine byzantine. In: Eupsychia. Mélanges offerts à Hélène Ahrweilwer. Paris 1998 (Byzantina Sorbonensia 16) 177-194.




Davidson, J.N.: Courtesans and Fishcakes. The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens. London 1997, XXVI,371 S. Übersetzung: dt.: Kurtisanen und Meeresfrüchte. Die verzehrenden Leidenschaften im klassischen Athen. Berlin 1999, 413 S.




De Brauw, M.; Miner, J.: Androtion's alleged prostitution contract: Aes. 1.165 and Dem. 22.23 in light of P. Oxy VII 1012. In: ZRG 121 (2004) 301-313.


Stand: 28. Juni 2013