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Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei

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Ihre Suche lieferte in unserem Datenbestand folgende 52 Treffer



Macht, N.L.; Hull, M.: The History of Slavery. San Diego 1997 (World History Series), 112 S. Bemerkung: Examines the practice of slavery as it existed in early Mediterranean civilizations, during the Middle Ages, in Africa, among Indians in the Americas, and in the United States.




Jay, A.: L'esclave de Pompéi. Paris 2004 (Le livre de poche. Jeunesse. Roman historique), 285 S. Bemerkung: Lupus, esclave du vieux Caius Fabius Felix, a perd toute trace de sa mère, Daphné, et de sa sour, Actis, vendues six ans auparavant sur le marché de Pompéi, comme esclaves. Depuis ce jour, Lupus n'a de cesse de les rechercher. Or voici qu'il croise la route de Tyndare, leur maître. Avec une bande de comédiens, Lupus sillonne Pompéi afin de localiser Daphné et Actis et les libérer. C'est alors qu'il tombe amoureux de la très belle Claudia, la fille de Tyndare....




Julien, S.: Esclave à vendre. Roman. Iberville/Québec 1993 (Coïncidence/Jeunesse. Transition 14), 80 S. Bemerkung: Roman für Jugendliche.




Jungman, A.: Clottus and the Ghostly Gladiator. London 2002, 64 S. Übersetzung: ital.: Clotus e il gladiatore misterioso. Cinisello Balsamo 2003, 62 S. Bemerkung: A brand-new series by Ann Jungman (author of Vlad the Drac, etc) for 7-9 year olds. Set in Roman Britain, these are funny stories about Clottus and Twitta, their family and their household. Based in fact, these excellent stories are perfect for children raised on Horrible Histories, but also useful for the KS2 classroom. Cartoons from Mike Phillips keep the tone light. Clottus and his family are really upset when they loos e their favourite slave. Maybe a visit to the new Circus in Londinium will cheer them up....




Kagarov, E.G.: Spartak. Ego zhizn' i bor'ba. (Spartacus. Sein Leben und sein Kampf) (russ.). Khar'kov 1934, 24 S.




Kneifel, H.: Weihrauch für den Pharao. München 2000 (Omnibus Taschenbücher 26027), 320 S. Bemerkung: Der zwölfjährige Sklave Karidon hat einen neuen Herrn, den väterlich-rauen Kapitän Jehoumilq. Er kommt auf das Schiff "Lob des Kothar", mit dem die Wagemutigen Seeleute eine gefährliche Reise antreten. Für Karidon wird die Suche nach dem legendären Weihrauchland Punt zu einer Reise hinter den Schleier des Geheimnisses, das seine Herkunft umgibt.




Lassieur, A.: The Ancient Romans. New York 2004 (People of the Ancient World), 112 S. Bemerkung: The Romans were a powerful force during ancient times, evolving into an empire that spread to much of present-day Europe as well as parts of Africa and the Middle East. They brought their culture and rules of law to the areas they conquered, and left their mark through construction. Aqueducts to provide water, roadways to travel their vast lands, and temples to honor their gods are just some of the structures created by the Romans.....




Lawrence, C.: The Dolphins of Laurentum. Brookfield/Conn. 2002 (The Roman Mysteries 5), 161 S. Brookfield/Conn. 2003 Übersetzung: span.: Los delfines de Laurentum. Barcelona 2004 (Misterios romanos 5) 187 S. Bemerkung: A ragged stranger and the prospect of losing her family's fortune lead Flavia Gemina and her friends, Jonathan, Lupus, and Nubia to a seaside villa where possible danger and treasure are close at hand.




Lawrence, C.: The Pirates of Pompeii. Brookfield/Conn. 2002 (The Roman Mysteries 3), 161 S. Brookfield/Conn. 2003. New York 2004 Übersetzung: span.: Los Piratas de Pompeya. Barcelona 2003 (Misterios romanos 3) 191 S. Bemerkung: At a refugee camp following the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius which buried Pompeii, Flavia and her friends discover that children are disappearing and a very powerful citizen might be involved.




Levy, E.; Mars, W.T.: Running out of Time. New York 1980 (Capers), 121 S. Übersetzung: chines.: Shi kong da tao wang. Taibei Shi 1988 (Er tong ke huan xi lie 3). Bemerkung: While running in the fog early one morning, three friends suddenly find themselves in the Roman Empire of 73 B.C. where they become catalysts in a slave revolt led by the gladiator Spartacus.


Stand: 28. Juni 2013