Promotion Prize Biodiversity

The award, which is based on a foundation, is presented to young scientists who have submitted an outstanding dissertation in the field of biodiversity research. It is a contribution to the promotion of young academics and serves as a motivation to pursue a scientific career.

Biodiversity Award of the Academy of Sciences and Literature| Mainz

Every two years (even years), the Biodiversity Award is presented to outstanding young scientists for the recognition of innovative master's and diploma theses (only in exceptional cases also for doctoral theses) that deal with biodiversity research - including conservation concepts and functional aspects of biodiversity.

With this award, the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz aims to motivate talented young scientists.

The members of the Commission for Biology are entitled to make proposals for the Biodiversity Award of the Academy. The chairman makes a preliminary selection with the sponsor of the prize, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Barthlott, and determines whether the applications formally meet the criteria and can be coordinated with the commission.

The prize is linked to a tax-free premium of currently 1,000 euros. It will be awarded to the prize winner at the Academy's annual celebration.

Prize winners

Year Prize winners
1996 Pierre Leonhard Ibisch, Bonn
1999 Sonja Migge, Göttingen
2000 Gerold Kier, Bonn
2001 Alexandra Klein, Göttingen
2002 Jens Mutke, Bonn
2003 Herbert Nickel, Göttingen
2004 Kai Müller, Bonn
2005 Judith Rothenbücher, Göttingen
2006 Claudia Koch, Bonn
2007 Lennart Wolfgang Pyritz, Göttingen
2008 Jan Henning Sommer, Bonn
2009 Verena Eißfeller, Göttingen
2010 Sié Sylvestre Da, Bonn
2011 Dipl.-Biol. Franca Marian, Göttingen
2012 Dipl.-Biol. Lina Samira Meiling, Hennef
2013 Sarah Maria Schnurr M.Sc., Hamburg
2014 Jonas O. Wolff, Kiel
2016 Tim Böhnert, Hamburg
2018 Nele Johannsen M.Sc., Frankfurt
2020 Dr. Marie Elisette Rahelivololona