
The Akademiezentrum für Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit [Academy Centre for the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period] (AMZ) at the Mainz Academy serves to coordinate and organise the cross-project cooperation of projects researching in this field. The existing density of basic research on the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period is the unique selling point of the Mainz Academy, making it one of the outstanding locations for cross-epoch medieval and early modern studies. The AMZ ties in with the long-standing research foci already established in Mainz, networks the basic research distributed among individual projects and subjects and offers an epoch-spanning platform for interdisciplinary professional exchange. 

The aim is to systematically develop cooperation with other research institutions (universities, non-university centres, institutes and societies) and to create cross-project scientific structures. Transdisciplinary networking raises the profile of research on the Middle Ages and the early modern period and thus also makes it attractive for young researchers. The structured promotion of young researchers and the general transfer of knowledge is thus one of the AMZ's priority tasks.

Contact and further information

Dr. Susanne Kern
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur | Mainz
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 2
55131 Mainz

work 06131/577-291

Prof. Dr. Steffen Krieb
Regesta Imperii (Quellen zur Reichsgeschichte)
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 2
55131 Mainz

Prof. Dr. Lisa Horstmann
Die Deutschen Inschriften, Akademiezentrum für Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit
Uferstraße 31
55116 Mainz

work +49 178 60 30 710

Further information

