Bibliographie zur antiken Sklaverei Online (BASO)

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Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei

© Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz

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Ihre Suche lieferte in unserem Datenbestand folgende 48 Treffer

Beitrag zu Sammlung


Biggi, E.: Venere a Roma: la prostituta italica. In: N. Criniti (Ed.): Gli affanni del vivere e del morire. Schiavi, soldati, donne, bambini nella Roma imperiale. Brescia 1991 (Grafostorie "Pratiche e discipline") 73-88.




Cuvigny, H.: Femmes tournantes. Remarques sur la prostitution dans les garnisons romaines du désert de Bérénice. In: ZPE 172 (2010) 159-166.




DeFelice, J.: Roman Hospitality: The Professional Women of Pompeii. Warren Center 2001 (Marco Polo Monographs 6), 306 S.


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Duncan, A.: Infamous Performers: Comic Actors and Female Prostitutes in Rome. In: Ch.A. Faraone, L.K. McClure (Edd.): Prostitutes and Courtesans in the Ancient World. Madison 2006, 252-273. Wiederabgedruckt: Dies.: Performance and Identity in the Classical World. New York 2006, 124-159.


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Edwards, C.: Unspeakable Professions. Public Performance and Prostitution in Ancient Rome. In: J.P. Hallett, M.B. Skinner (Edd.): Roman Sexualities. Princeton 1997, 66-95.


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Evans Grubbs, J.: Virgins and Widows, Show-girls and Whores: Late Roman Legislation on Women and Christianity. In: R.W. Mathisen (Ed.): Law, Society, and Authority in Late Antiquity. Oxford 2001, 220-241.




Flemming, R.: Quae corpore quaestum facit: The Sexual Economy of Female Prostitution in the Roman Empire. In: JRS 89 (1999) 38-61.




Formigoni Candini, W.: Quod meretrici datur repeti non potest. Ancora su D. 12,5,4,3. In: AUFG 5 (1991) 17-25.




Gilula, D.: The Concept of the Bona Meretrix. A Study of Terence's Courtesans. In: RFIC 108 (1980) 142-165.


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Gonzalès, A.: Servitium amoris et meretrix regina. Esclavage métaphorique de l'homme libre: une situation d'inversion. In: F. Reduzzi Merola, A. Storchi Marino (Edd.): Femmes - esclaves. Modèles d'interprétation anthropologique, économique, juridique. Atti del XXI Colloquio internazionale GIREA Lacco Ameno-Ischia, 27-29 ottobre 1994. Neapel 1999 (Diáphora 9) 281-302.


Stand: 28. Juni 2013