Bibliographie zur antiken Sklaverei Online (BASO)

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Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei

© Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz

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Ihre Suche lieferte in unserem Datenbestand folgende 3 Treffer



Ambra, E. d': The Midwife and the 'Doctor's Wife'. Status and Patronage among the Freedwomen of Imperial Ostia. In: AAPhA 1989, 16.


Beitrag zu Sammlung


French, V.: Midwives and Maternity Care in the Roman World. In: M. Skinner (Ed.): Rescuing Creusa. New Methodological Approaches to Women in Antiquity. Lubbock/Texas 1987 (Helios NS 13,2) 69-84.




Shanks, H.: A Name in Search of a Story: An Egyptian Papyrus Reveals an Asiatic Slave with a Biblical Name - a Midwife Mentioned in Exodus. In: BAR 24,1 (1998) 6,72.


Stand: 28. Juni 2013