Bibliographie zur antiken Sklaverei Online (BASO)

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Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei

© Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz

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Fynn-Paul, J.: Empire, Monotheism and Slavery in the Greater Mediterranean Region from Antiquity to the Early Modern Era. In: P&P 205 (2009) 3-40.




Fynn-Paul, J.: Empire, Monotheism and Slavery in the Greater Mediterranean Region from Antiquity to the Early Modern Era. In: Past and Present 205 (2009) 3-40.


Beitrag zu Sammlung


Sperling, S.D.: Monotheism and Ancient Isrealite Religion. In: D.C. Snell (Ed.): A Companion to the Ancient Near East. Oxford 2005, 408-420. Wiederabgedruckt: D.C. Snell (Ed.): A Companion to the Ancient Near East. Oxford 2007, 430-442.


Stand: 28. Juni 2013