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Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei

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Ihre Suche lieferte in unserem Datenbestand folgende 332 Treffer



Brisson, J.-P.: Spartacus. Paris 1959, 279 S.




Brodersen, K.: Ich bin Spartacus. Aufstand der Sklaven gegen Rom. Darmstadt 2010 (Geschichte erzählt 23), 96 S.




Brodersen, K.: Spartacus. Kampf gegen Rom. In: Damals. Das Magazin für Geschichte 43,5 (2011) 14-40.


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Bröning, W.: Der Aufstand des Spartacus. Der Gladiator, der den Römern trotzte. In: E. Deissinger, S. Priester (Hrsg.): Als Spartacus den Römern trotzte. Geschichten zur Geschichte. München 2005 (Geschichten zur Geschichte) 43-51.




Brown, T.; Goddard, C.: Spartacus and his Glorious Gladiators. London 2004 (Dead Famous), 192 S. Bemerkung: You've probably heard of Spartacus...He is dead famous for: *being quite a good gladiator ğiving the Romans the run-around łooking an awful lot like Kirk Douglas But have you heard that Spartacus: *fought for the Romans as well as against them *once camped his army of rebel slaves inside a volcano čut a deal with a bunch of double-crossing pirates Yes, even though he's dead, Spartacus is still full of surprises. Now you can read the inside story in Spartacus' secret diary, catch up on all the latest battle results in The Daily Gladius, and find out how to keep the mighty Roman Empire at bay with just a few trusty followers and a cunning plan. From camping out in a volcano with his army to dealing with pirates, Spartacus' story is full of surprises. The world of the Empire and life in Thrace (modern-day Bulgaria) form the backdrop to this incredible tale. Beginning with his time at (and escape from) gladiator school we follow Spartacus into the crater of Vesuvius, where he amasses his slave army. From there, we follow the latest results in his battles against the Roman generals in the Roman Times, keep an eye on his bloodstained 'diary' as he plans his next move and dreams of crossing the Alps and going home. Ends with the battle against Cruel Crassus and the crucifixion of 6,000 slaves who all claim to be 'Spartacus'....




Burian, J.: )EleúJeroi e)k tôn a)grôn a povstání Spartakovo. ()Eleu/Jeroi e)ktôn a)grwôn und der Aufstand des Spartacus) (tsch. m. dt. Zus.). In: LF 80 (1957) 197-203. Bemerkung: dt. Zus. in: BCO 4 (1959) 77.




Burian, J.: Zpracování Spartakova povstání v sovětské historické literatuře. (Arbeiten über den Spartacus-Aufstand in der sowjetischen historischen Literatur) (tsch.). In: GLP 1 (1960) 3-25.


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Bussi, S.; Foraboschi, D.: Spartaco: Il personaggio, il mito, la vicenda. In: A. La Regina (Ed.): Sangue e arena. Roma, Colosseo, 22 giugno 2001 - 7 gennaio 2002. Mailand 2001, 29-41.


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Canfora, L.: La rivolta dei dannati della terra. In: Ders. (Ed.): La rivolta degli schiavi in Sicilia. Diodoro Siculo. Commento di M. Stefania Montecalvo. Palermo 1999 (La città antica 26) 9-22.


Beitrag zu Sammlung


Canfora, L.: Spartaco, Marx e Mommsen. In: G. Urso (Ed.): Terror et Pavor. Violenza, intimidazione, clandestinità nel mondo antico. Atti del convengo internazionale Cividale del Friuli, 22-24 settembre 2005. Pisa 2005 (Fondazione Niccolò Canussio 5) 215-222.


Stand: 28. Juni 2013