Mainzer Reihe, Neue Folge

The commission of ›Mainzer Reihe, Neue Folge‹

Commission chair: Professor Dr. Hans-Gerd Koch
Full-time employee: Petra Plättner
Address: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 2
55131 Mainz
Telephone: (06131) 577-102
Fax: (06131) 577-103
Mail: Petra Plättner

The ›Mainzer Reihe‹ forms a focal point in the work of the class of literature and music. Founded in 1956, 98 volumes were published by the publishers Luchterhand, Christian Wegner, Hase & Köhler and the Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft until 2003. Since the transfer to the Göttinger Wallstein Verlag in 2004, the volumes are published as ›Mainzer Reihe, Neue Folge‹. However, the original idea itself has not changed: the aim is to publish »dramatic, narrative, essayistic and lyrical works« that »stand out from the wealth of daily and light literature« (according to Alfred Döblin, founding member of the literature class).
This continues the tradition of the previous ›Mainzer Reihe‹, in which novels, essays, radio plays, plays and editions of letters by Hans Henny Jahnn, Ernst Kreuder, Hans Erich Nossack and Wilhelm Lehmann, among others, were published. In the New Series, the rediscovery of Nicolas Born with a poem and a letter edition is worth mentioning, as is the new edition of the writings of Joseph Breitbach.

Previously published: